Saturday, March 14, 2009


Today was the type of day I could not have  dreamed up! 
Life has been so crazy and difficult these last few months, 
and this was the biggest breath of fresh air!! 
Jeff has been working crazy hours at work, and when he's not there, he's at the new house, 
and we've missed him horribly! 
Well, Saturday rolled around, and we all piled in the car and headed to the zoo!! 
The weather was perfect!!! And we went early enough
 that we didn't have to many other people there. 
(oh, how I love this little boy!!) 
Did Lucy love the zoo? Well, she LOVED all the balls she saw, the birds she kept 
hearing in the sky, the other little kids, and sunshine!! 
Yes, she did love the zoo, and we had a great time watching her have so much fun! 
Its true that a mothers joy revolves around her families joy!! 
Oh, I just adore that stinker! 
NOW she's at my favorite stage!!! :) 
We saw some sheep, which is one of the 3 animal sounds she can make! She was not really thrilled with the sheep, rather, was more intrigued by disobeying the rules on the sign! 
Jeff is darling with our kids! And oh how we cherished our time with him!!! 
We've missed our daddy!!! 
This actually was really neat. Lucy does know the tiger sound, and this tiger 
was pacing up top his cage, which put him really close to our view! 
This isn't a great shot, because he's on his way back, but it was so thrilling to have 
him so close! Lucy loved watching him pace, and enjoyed making the tiger growl! 
I said (more times then I can count) that this was the best day of my life, 
and I'm convinced it was! 


Emily said...

sounds like a wonderful day...we all need those now and again to really enjoy being parents! :)
And seriously, your kids get bigger and cuter by the day!

Paul, Cammie Jo, and Raegan said...

What a fun Day! They just get more and more fun as they get older!

Toes on the Nose said...

Makes me excited to get back west. Have you taken your kids to This Is The Place Park? Claire loves that more the zoo. They have a petting zoo and horse back rides. We'll have to try and go together in the summer.