Friday, October 29, 2010

It must be love!!

"I didn't know I was being photographed" says Jeff. Maybe if he did,
he'd have pretended he was having as much fun as the kids.
Are you kidding me. Look at these two babies! LOVE these growing kiddies.
From Cox farm, we each got to pick out a pumpkin.
Check out the massive beast Luce chose.
We painted till our hearts could paint no more.
And this bum practically gets more squeezes then Henry does!
Oh how we love this squishy body!

Fall Festival Days at Mt. Vernon.
We rode on the horse drawn carriage, made crafts, and soaked up the glorious sun.
Gorgeous day, and plenty of beautiful green grass to run on.

Can NOT get enough of this one.
Charlie has really been a mamas boy lately, and I'll gladly take ANY second I get
to squeeze his tiny hands!

Its BEA-U-TIFUL fall at our house!!
We have lived outside for the last week!
Oh I can't tell you, in love!
We made a few leaf piles and leaf mazes, had great friends over for s'mores,
gone on more then our share of walks and park visits!

How I adore these sweeties!
These two boys have brought more joy in my life then I ever could have created.
Charlie never was cruel or mean to Henry, rather just standoffish.
But, lately, they've been each others cream in the coffee.
Charlie tries to share everything with Henry (especially his tiny rocks, bouncy balls, and small pony accessories) and wants to hold, hug and love in constantly! I LOVE these two boys,
and feel so blessed to be their mother.

The story.
This is a SINGING Areal necklace Lucy got for her birthday.
Charlie has taken this token under his wing, and hardly lets it leave his side.
I have gotten the greatest joy watching his tiny, chubby fingers push the button....
and once the button is pushed, Areal and Charlie begin their duet!
Oh, this boy can sing!
He puts prince charming to shame!

My darling boy! I love you so.
Trick or Treat.
Our ward had the Trunk 'er Treat this weekend, and the kids went crazy.
Rather, Charlie went crazy for the suckers, Lucy went crazy for more candy,
and mama was just crazy!
What is there not to love about this time of year!!!! Its been a glorious few weeks,
and just keeps getting better.
Charlie did try a few times the trick 'er treating in reverse, giving the adults the candy,
but once he saw a sucker, it was over.
Henry, dear Henry. This is the year you did not have a costume.
YOU are the costume. You'd make any creation you wore look ridiculous,
because your glorious smile and dazzling personality would far outshine
anything you wear. Really henry, you are the costume.
Dear dear Charlie.
I feel guild when my super obedient children don't even dare open candy, with out asking.
On our way back out to the car, to head home, you should have seen the look on
Charlies face as he brought my candy he'd found on the floor, asked if he could have it,
and I said yes!
Oh Charlie, you deserve so much more candy.
And Luce, you lucky girl, you got 2 suckers, a smartie, half a donut and a cupcake!
You should be so lucky!
I think even that practically sent her into shock!!!
Maybe next year, I'll loosen up a bit! (Its doubtful. :) )
Hope all ya'lls fall has been as delightful, pleasant and joyful as ours has!
Happy Halloween and fall!


jenna marie said...

I'm going to start slipping sugar to Lucy through the mail or something, that girl NEEDS more sugar!! jk.

Been thinking about you ALL weekend. I hope you had a wonderful bday!

luv- your separated at birth sista ;)

Carrie said...

So I think I may have looked a little like Jeff when we were carving pumpkins. Your family is so cute!

Toes on the Nose said...

We have that same ariel necklace! Sam loves it and it even made it into our church bag. ya, it went off one Sunday during sacrament. Not good!