Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This that and...OH!!! THAT!!!

Labor Day. (ARG!! I can't get this *%%^# underline off!! Sorry)

Why is it called Labor Day? For us, because its such a labor getting all the YUMMIE food prepared,and a labor to eat it all! We had a great picnic with my Fam with ribs, corn, salad, chips & the works, garlic bread, home MADE ice cream....yada yada! To die for. This look tells all.

These two crack me UP!!! They are truly like sole mates. They think, well, Lucy thinks Brig (who she calls B) is heaven! She ADORES this boy,
and he seems to think she's pretty dang cool. They were like an old couple at the BBQ.
Just relaxing together, rolling on the tramp together, so cute!
I LOVE this photo. Jeff was taking it of Chars and I, and this adoring look on his face just
warms 'me old heart'! He can be a hand full, at least when you are not giving him 100% of your attention, but when you're with him, hes a DOLL!
I thought it was really funny, comparing last year canning peaches to this year.
Last year, I had little Lucy, 8 months old, and little Chars on the way!
and THIS year, Lucy, 23 months, Char, 9 months and baby ? on the way! I love it!
It was a bit more chaotic, I still didn't avoid the late hours, but oh, when you sink your teeth into a "fresh" peach in the middle of winter...AH!!!!
We went to the first annual Maize Days in Layton on Sat. and Chars swung on the swings for the first time! Loved it! We had a great time, did some crafts, bought some fab. jewlery, and LOVED the cooler weather.
Ok, so I'm famous for before and afters. This is our sweet boy, before...
and here he is, after! :(
He had a nasty fall, really hit his forhead (where the shine is) and it swelled his eye.
Poor thing was SO tough about it, and has been a trooper!
Whats better then free? 15$!!!
We got this slide for just said price!! And its Lucys new best friend! LOVE IT! Can't wait till Chars can go down to.

Oh, the poor little buddie!
His eye just makes me so sad, but its much better today, then the first day.


Paul, Cammie Jo, and Raegan said...

Fun! Fun! Seems like ya'll are always doing something fun! Hope you are feeling well with #3! We've got to find a slide for Raegan she would love that!

Auds Beck said...

Poor Char-bar-what a kid, like Cam said I bet you can still get him to laugh!! And you got pics of it! He is still the cutest baby in the world we think!!

Rebecca Barlow said...

Your kids are so dang cute! Don't worry about the bumps and bruises - they heal and it is just a sign that they are exploring and learning. You are such a good mommy!