Monday, August 30, 2010

A princess party and DC

Just outside the Botanical gardens.
Pretty neat inside with plants and habitats from all around the world.
It was funny to see their display of "the west", Utah, and other dry states.
Showing how big the leaves were.
Jeff really waned to go downtown to see crowds at the Glen Beck rally on Saturday.
We did hear much (not that we could have with the poor coverage and set up of speakers...
and I'm not sure that Jeff wanted to...)
but we did enjoy the stroll.
Such a man! I love that Jeff carries H. He's good as golden in the Bjorn,
and with a big plate of french fries, who wouldn't be?
Luce ready to go to her Princess Class.
A girl in our ward, who is a ballet teacher, did a two day party/dance class.
The girls had a tea party, decorated goodies, made crafts and had some dance instructing!
She was super excited to go, and LOVED doing those fun girlie things.
Just after our Friday picnic.
Not only do we love going downtown for the entertainment,
but there are fewer bugs, and lots of green grass for running.

The kids were stoked to find this tractor and roller, just waiting to be climbed on.
While sitting on the roller, Luce turned to me and said
"Mama, you push us."

H is almost 6 months!!!!
Look at this stinker!
From my eyes, what I see an awful lot of!
I LOVE to hold Lucys hand, and she almost won't walk with out it. Yes!!
Monday, the kids and I headed to Mt. Vernon.
There weren't as many baby animals as in the spring,
but still the perfect place to stroll around.
We had our picnic lunch, and were enjoying the chips Luce picked at the shop.
The kids were as good as golden, and if it weren't for the (HOT) weather, it would have been
a perfect day.


Emily said...

So many fun adventures, what a super momma you are!

lulu said...

I am impressed you took the kids yourself. I'm trying to do more of that lately. I'm tired of waiting for people to decided if they want to come, yada, yada, yada.

Courtney said...


You are an adorable mom! Looks like you are having lots of adventures in DC. It was good to hear from you. Hope all is well!

mae said...

Is Lucy sweet or what? A tea party/ballet class. So cute I just can't stand it.

Toes on the Nose said...

What Jackie, you can't push a roller? Oh the things our kids think we can do. I kind of like that though.

Erin said...

Jackie, I miss you guys! I was thinking about our duet we sang and it made me sad; I haven't had many singing opportunities because I play piano for the ward choir.