Wednesday, October 7, 2009


No, we did not make 72 pot stickers...we make over 500!!! And thats the regular.
This has been a tradition in my family for, well, I can't really remember how long.
I know over 15 years.
I LOVE traditions, and am always trying to get Jeff do start some wtih me.
What is a pot sticker?
Basically ground turkey, shataki mushrooms, green onions...and other secret ingredients.
Shown here, the pot sticker "filling", shells and clamps.
You fill the shells, clamp them shut, saute them in chicken broth and oil, and VOILA!
It is not just dinner, its an event!
We have over 5 grills going, 4 clampers, 5 fillers, and well, the rest, who knows what they do.
Its an amazing production line!
Food is of great value in my family (is that wrong to say?)
and this is one way we validate that!
Oh my heck, just looking at these beauties makes my mouth water!
We enjoy ours with everything from soy sauce to hot sauce with vinegar.
This is whats for dinner, thats all!!!
For the most part, we've always kept record of whos eaten how many (at least for the guys)
and the record, actually not even held by a family member was 70.
Well, I'm thrilled to announce that my amazing (not just because how many he ate ) brother in-law has broken the record!
Cam, how we adore this DDS!
Cam is, well, Cam is Cam, and our family is SO lucky to have him!
Bless your sweet, clogged arteries Cam, and way to go!
(oh, casually eating pot stickers, the girls eat about 15-20, the other men(or should I call them boys) eat about 35-40. So 72 is quite the stretch!)
(yes, it says 71, but he popped one in after, as he said "for good measure")
Lucy giving Cam a victory cheer! Yes, Cam and Auds are by far Lucy's favs.,
but this really topped the cake!
And this, well, this is the after math.
Typically the adults sit around and chat, but today, I think no one could really move,
so, these are the results!
Pot Stickers, well, you should be so luck to try some! We can't wait till next year! Bring it on!


Joey and Nettifer said...

i remember doing this with your family when i was like 13! loved every minute of it and i will agree yummy in mytummy! good times!

Unknown said...

Looks like a fun time! I need to learn how to make those!!

Hey, you should enter the giveaway on my blog:

Alisa said...

This made me eat potstickers! Unfortunately I don't know how to make them though so we got the big bag from Costco.

When Cam and Auds were JUST starting to date Auds invited us over to make potstickers at your place and I'll never forget it!

jenna marie said...

let me at em. 73! I could do it, I promise. :) Your family is the coolest Jax.

Paul, Cammie Jo, and Raegan said...

I never knew that's what they were called! I gonna have to try them they look so yummy!!

Toes on the Nose said...

How did I miss that you are preggers?! Congrats girl! I would love your recipe for pot stickers. They look delicious!