Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Before and After

Ah, those were the days!!!
(all these first photos are considered "before")
This post includes MANY pictures, and a very long story.
The story begins in a bit, but let me explain the photos.
Just a regular day at our house.
trying to snap a picture of me and Lucy,
and the little potato head, Charlie.
Lucy has loved being in the tub with Charlie!
Climb ANY mountain!! Lucy stops at nothing to get closer to Charlie, and he loves it!
She is always wanting to do what Charlie does!
Can't get enough of this little potato head!
Hes doing great!
Still taking 2 naps, and for a while, began waking up quite early,
but we've hopefully rid him of that awful habit!
Ah, we could all use one of these!
Ok, so the story!!!
It was friday, and the kids and I were taking a break from packing for the big moving weekend! . As we sat on the bed, Lucy toppled off! Not a biggie though, as she's done it before.
Well, the rest of that day, her arm was sensitive, but we thought we'd wait to have it looked at.
Saturday came, and we had all the gang over to move!! Lucy had not improved,
but we needed to wait to take her in, until after the move.
Late in the afternoon, I had our neighbor pediatrician come take a look, and she
recommended an x-ray. In the middle of the chaos, I ran her down to LDS hospital (getting ANY help is a story in itself, but thats for a different day)
We zoomed back, to put her to bed, just as a knock on the door came.
It was the pediatrician. Infact Lucy had broken her arm, in 2 places. ARG!!!!!
I woke her up, took her over to Lakeview hospital. 20 min. later she was toting the cutest pink cast, and we headed home! (or I guess we're calling the box filled chaos our home) (oh, the story does NOT end here. see below)
(and now begins the "after")
Here is Jeff and the kids enjoying yet another HUGE rain storm, on our great new porch!
The first night at our house proved to be disastrous! I woke up to what I thought was a
kinked neck. 30 min. later I was in excruciating pain. After suffering through an hour of church, that night, and next morning, I succumbed to a doctor. Come to find out, I have
tortorcallis (sp) and the pain would be enough to put me on bed rest for 3 days!!! Killer pain!!
My FAB FAB sister came up for a day, and then kept Lucy for a few days. My mother in-law helped with Lucy AND the home!!! With out these two, I would not have survived!!!
If you thought this was enough...since I let Charlie play with my phone over 2 weeks ago, I have had NO cell phone, or land line!!! AND our internet has not worked at our house until today!!
I have felt like I've been living on mars!!! I still have no phone, but am grateful for some outside connection! As for Charlie, he has not been with out problems. He has had a gnarly diaper rash, which proved to be challenging to get him improved!
This has truly been the craziest, most painful, emotional, challenging.... 3 days of my entire life, and days that I would not re-live, EVER!!!!
We are not normal, but we are getting better! Hopefully we'll look back, and just laugh!


Codi said...

Oh my gosh!!

I'm so sorry - for all of you. What a time you've had. Is your neck feeling better now? Poor Lucy- but her cast is pretty fashionable!

I hope things calm down and you can get settled in your new place (congrats!).

Take care!

Emily said...

Holy Moly!

When it rains, it pours.

Hopefully you've had your fill for awhile :)

samantha said...

What a week! I'm sorry to hear that so much trauma has occurred in such a short amount of time.

The house looks great though.
I'm partial the chair that Jeff was sitting on to watch the rain storm.

Anonymous said...

wow, what a week! Sorry you are going through all of that--be realllllly careful with your neck (please don't go to a chiropractor) and do the physical therapy! Good luck with it all!

Joey and Nettifer said...

Oh my heck Jackie! Do you need more help? I would have been a basket case if my girl broke her arm! I am so sorry and of course to add more pain your neck hurting! Can I help you?

Rebecca Barlow said...

I'm so sorry that happened to you. That really sucks! What is that tortocolitis or whatever? How did you get it? How does it go away? Are you going to be okay?

Paul, Cammie Jo, and Raegan said...

MY goodness!!! What a hectic time! Hope things are going better and the cast is cute!

SL said...

Jackie, WOW!!! on the bright side, the floor of your new house looks really good. Can't wait for haircut day so we can see it!

Auds Beck said...

A day in the life!! I am waiting to hear the rest of the story... I want pics too!

p.s. hopefully we didn't totally spoil Lucy with sugar while she was here:)HA!

Carrie said...

Oh my. . . it sounds like things can only get better! At least you have a great story! Good luck!

Kari said...

Wow! I hope our move into our house is less eventful than yours. I am so sorry. Hope all are doing better now. How did your tie-dye project go? I hope I was able to help and didn't lead you too far astray. Love ya!