Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Half of our Easter

We do have a video, that I'll post for my mama, but on a quick recap, here are a few picts.
Lucy would follow her two cousins to the ends of the earth, and they are SO darling with her.
We had such a fun time at the traditional Butler egg hunt!
After the festivities, just before Lunch.
Lucy just loved being outside, and with the cousins.
The beginning of the Sanders egg hunt.
Lucy had not yet figured out that there were treats inside.
"Tee tee" or for you non baby speaking, Treat.
Lucy does not get much candy, so a whole egg filled with treats was a miracle!
The shaking, and wondering if something to eat may be inside. hmn...
I'm not sure who this easter egg hunting is for anyway. The parents or kids...
I gave in. She got 2 EGGS! with treats.
(and now we are left with the rest, but that should curve my sugar cravings at least till halloween!)
The Sanders Cousins. How stinkin' cute!!!
And last, my favorite part of this years easter egg hunt.
The kids look for so many fun things in addition to easter eggs, and this years excitement was the sun glasses! Charlie looks like someone from the 70's, with the horn rim glasses. So cute.


lulu said...

you are pretty. I'm glad you had a happy Easter.

Toes on the Nose said...

What a hot mamma you are!!! I love it when they don't know there is candy inside. Oh the innocence!

Paul, Cammie Jo, and Raegan said...

What fun! Your kids are adorable and you look awesome Jackie! Thanks for coming down this past weekend. We had a blast! We'll have to do it more often b/c the girls played so well together!

Jennie said...

Your family is so cute!!! Love getting the updates through the blog. I'll be up in SLC for my baby shower and I'd love to see you. It's on the 9th of May. =)