Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This will do for now!

(in the voice of Lulu)
So, it seems that I've been having a really hard time growing hair lately, and so when I saw this organic sheep wool, sent from my Grannie in New Zealand, I knew just what to do with it!
Yes, you may wonder if it itches, and at times it does, but wouldn't you rather have itch than baldness?
Oh, and does this make my belly look big?


jmr said...

oh my goodness, she is so beautiful, and witty too.

Erin said...

Hi Jackie!
You've been tagged in a blogger chain. Look at my blog for more information. http://erinnateandklayte.blogspot.com

Auds Beck said...


I just want to SQUEEZE her and her belly! I laughed and laughed when I saw that pic!!