Monday, November 16, 2009

A new year and one less DIAPER

Here it is! This yummie yummie french bread, that I'm loving making.
Its a shame Jeff doesn't like white bread, but all the more for the
kiddos and me. Get ready BC girls, its almost perfected.
So, to the title, Jeffs B-Day is also Veterans Day. Not that he had
the day off, but we did take the morning, and go to the ZOO!!! SO fun!
We rode on the carousel, which Lucy is still talking about.
We could not pass up Hires for lunch ! Jeff has not actually been (GASP!!)
and I had been dying for a Hires Big "H", and if YOU'VE never been,
well, call us, we'll be glad to go again!
And here it is! Lucy has been ROCKING the potty world.
I tried about a month ago, with extreme disappointment.
She did pretty good, but I was getting discouraged, so we gave it up.
About a month later, she was bound and determined on her own,
so we rolled with it!
She's been goin' with the best of them!
And despite the fact that she's never seen a lick of TV or the likes, she has
truly fallen in LOVE with her Elmo panties. Yay!

So now, if I can just get Charlie potty trained before the baby comes,
we'll be diaper free for 15 weeks!!


lulu said...

good luck with training a boy so soon. Love to hear how it goes.

Megan said...

congrats on potty training!

thegreatscotts said...

your my idol. I don't even want to start potty training. Yes, buying diapers is more expensive... but just so much easier.

plus I am used to the smell, and in a couple years, they can change their own diapers. :)

Abbey said...

What was life like when it was diaper free? Can't imagine the sensation of such freedom!
Oh, and yeah, Hires is the BEST.

Auds Beck said...

cutest picture ever of the fam! We love hires-or should I say I do, too may great memories from that place. Way to go Luc-can you give Brig some tips?

Alisa said...

Jackie, you are amazing! Excited to see you on Thanksgiving; I hear you will be joining us for gingerbread, wohoo!

Ashley said...

JACKIE-East Girls Holiday Dinner
Monday, December 7th at the Dodo in Sugarhouse...8pm

Tell anyone and Ellie will be sending out invites this week!

I am so excited that you are expecting again. Congrats!!