Wednesday, October 21, 2009


October 19, 2007 brought one change
in our life, and that change was the
birth of little Lucy Taylor.
Lucy celebrated her 2nd birthday,
and I can't imagine a happy life
without her.
She daily makes me laugh, is so sweet
to all her babies, tries everything
by herself, is a FANTASTIC eater,
loves to be held, loves to run outside...
I could go on,! We LOVE this girl!
Happy Birthday Lucy!!
She's been learning about fire,
and is not so sure that these things
on her cupcake are safe.
She still didn't devour her cupcake as
I had always thought a child would, she's
just to concerned about getting dirty,
and being so careful!! But it was enjoyed!
Yes, these are spiders. No thanks to
Dicks Market (still don't like that store)
our spiders (or as I was told, they need 8 leges)
had red legs, not black.
Oh well.
Thanks ALL who came to celebrate with Lucy and us!
We loved having ya'll over,
and were thankful for your joining the
So, its official, we have a toddler.
We've entered a new phase in our life!
We did make our annual trip to the pumpkin
patch. Our favorite pick of this year,
shown here in our wagon.


Rebecca Barlow said...

Happy Birthday Lucy!

Megs, Brad, and Abbie said...

Happy Birthday beautiful little girl! She is adorable.. I will buy Charlie from you, he is so cute too!
How have you guys been? When is your new baby arriving?

Paul, Cammie Jo, and Raegan said...

YEAH! Birthdays are so funn! Isn't crazy how fast they grow. She is a doll Jackie. How the pregnancy is still going good!